The first thing to know about us is that you should contact us when buying or selling genuine Bisbee Turquoise. Come and visit us in person at our brick and mortar store in Tucson, Arizona. The American Antique Mall is established over 25 years ago in 1993. It is the center of our turquoise business. We sell Sleeping Beauty turquoise from Globe, Arizona, as well as Kingman Turquoise from the L.W. Hardy collection. At our store, you can also find Cripple Creek turquoise from Colorado, Ithaca Peak turquoise from Arizona, and other turquoise from the Southwest. Please contact us for any other requests you may have!

Additionally, we also sell genuine Bisbee turquoise on our SSL secure website Real Turquoise.

We buy and sell turquoise and turquoise jewelry since opening our first store. Our first store, Elephant Trunk Antiques opens in September of 1990. In addition, our second store, the American Antique mall opens in September 1993. We are Dwight and Christy! Contact Us!

We both have training and experience in cutting and polishing turquoise. Furthermore, we have silversmith training through the Old Pueblo Lapidary Club. Also, we obtain silversmith techniques through Sam Patania. Especially relevant is that Sam is a third generation silversmith. Sam’s family has jewelry on display at the prestigious Smithsonian institute.
Most noteworthy, our store is located less than 100 miles Northwest of the Bisbee Lavender Pit. In conclusion, due to our proximity to Bisbee, you can be comfortable in knowing that our turquoise is genuine Bisbee!
It is amazing to see all the turquoise sold on the internet, which is labeled “Bisbee” but is being sold from China and India. There are many collectors being taken advantage from these over-seas sellers. Why not contact us and buy this turquoise from the vicinity of the mine?
Finally, to see where real Bisbee Turquoise comes from…click ⇒ HERE
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